Monday, 17 February 2014

Fun on the Farm...!

Fun on the Farm...!

So we just got back from a trip to Kembu Campsite, which is located at Kenana Farm next to the town of Njoro, close to Nakuru in Kenya's famous Rift Valley. 

The trip was with 23 year 5 students (9-10 year olds) from Nairobi Academy Prep School. 

A great 3 days were had by all. We had a full tour of the farm with students looking at the racehorse breeding, dairy farm and the sheep / knitting community project. 

The highlight of the trip was the day walk up the old Mau Mau freedom fighter hide-out... Kiplombe Gorge and it's beautiful 'office'.

Check out the pictures below...!

Petting race horses                                          photo: Kris Collyer

Machine milking cows                                                                                  photo: Kris Collyer

Walk to the smallholder Farm                          photo: Kris Collyer

Hand milking at the smallholder Farm               photo: Kris Collyer

Learning the History of Kiplombe Gorge            photo: Kris Collyer

A stunning view down the gorge!                       photo: Kris Collyer

Look what we made! (a snake)                          photo: Kris Collyer

Not a bad office!                                               photo: Kris Collyer

The spoils of battle!                                                                                       photo: Kris Collyer

Hand shearing sheep                                       photo: Kris Collyer

A different type of sheep at Kenana knitters       photo: Kris Collyer

We had a fantastic trip thanks to the hard work by Zoe & Andrew Nightingale of Kembu 
Campsite check them out! 

Here is a short video of the gorge walk courtesy of Andrew Nightingale

Please also visit Kenana knitters... one of the most  amazing (and productive) community projects I have ever seen!

For a top quality educational trips at a various locations throughout Kenya, please drop me an email at

Thanks for reading!
